Previous collaborators

  Scientific collaborators

Scientific collaborators

Matteo Molinari   |    Monica Bianco    |    Gabriele Balducci    |    Nicole Equey    |    Emilio Russo    |    Alan Wachs    

Matteo Molinari, nato a Ivrea (TO), ha studiato Letteratura e Linguistica italiana e francese presso l'Università di Basilea e la Sorbonne (Paris IV). Si è laureato nel 2011 con un lavoro di Master sulle dediche di Pietro Aretino ("Per divina gratia Huomo libero" e "Humile servo". Pietro Aretino e le dediche, relatrice M. A. Terzoli). Dal febbraio 2012 è assistente di Letteratura italiana all'Università di Basilea dove contribuisce all'insegnamento del seminario incentrato su dediche della cultura italiana, a sua volta legato al progetto di ricerca I margini del libro. Tra le sue esperienze lavorative di maggior rilievo vi è l'insegnamento dell'italiano e francese come lingue straniere in diverse scuole medie e scuole per adulti tra il 2005 e il 2010.

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(dal 2005 al 2014)
Monica Bianco was born in Castelfranco Veneto (Italy), and completed her studies in Italy and Switzerland: after graduating in Arts at the University of Padua in 1992, she continued her studies in Geneva where, in 1996, she was awarded the Diplôme d'Études Supérieures en Lettres ‘Au seuil de la modernité'.

In 2000 she obtained a doctoral degree in ‘Filologia ed ermeneutica italiana'. She also directed the project Preliminari per una storia delle antologie cinquecentesche di lirica italiana.
From 2002 to 2005 she taught a seminar course in preparation for the written Italian exam of first and second degree at the University of Padua. After beginning her philological studies, she specialised in vulgar preaching and in 15th- and 16th-century vernacular love poetry. Her most recent research interest revolve around the relationship between text and image in the Renaissance, ranging from emblematics to picture-poems and poems on portraits.
She has been doctorate assistant at the University of Basel since 2005.

Since October 2005 she is an external collaborator to the research project on dedications financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and directed by Professor Maria Antonietta Terzoli.

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Gabriele Balducci studied Italian and History at the University of Basel, from which he graduated with a thesis on epigraphs and dedications in the mid-19th century ( Epigrafi e dediche in scrittori moderati del Risorgimento , supervisor: Maria Antonietta Terzoli).

From 2002 to 2004 he collaborated to the research project on dedications, financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation and directed by Maria Antonietta Terzoli. In 2004 his contribution for the conference ‘I margini del libro' (November 2002, Basel) appeared in the volume of the conference proceedings: I margini del libro. Indagine teorica e storica sui testi di dedica (Rome-Padua, Antenore).

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Nicole Equey was born in Basel (Switzerland) in 1975. She studied Italian and German at the University of Basel, and spent a year at the University of Padua. She graduated at the University of Basel with a thesis on Frontiera by Vittorio Sereni ( Il ‘libro d'anteguerra' di Vittorio Sereni. Per un commento a ‘Frontiera' ).

Since 2002 she has been a collaborator to the project on Italian dedications, directed by M. A. Terzoli and financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

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Emilio Russo studied at “La Sapienza” in Rome and at the University of Padua. He collaborated with the Historical Institute for the Middle Ages, and was a scholarship holder at the Institute for Historical Studies in Naples.

He edited the volumes: Testimoni del vero. Su alcuni libri in biblioteche d'autore , Rome, Bulzoni, 2000, and: I. Nievo, Storia filosofica dei secoli futuri (e altri scritti umoristici del 1860) , Rome, Salerno Editrice, 2003. He published: L'ordine, la fantasia e l'arte. Ricerche per un quinquennio tassiano (1588-1592) , Rome, Bulzoni, 2002, and Studi su Tasso e Marino , Padua-Rome, Editrice Antenore, 2005. He has written articles on Tasso, Chiabrera, Marino, and on Aldo Manuzio junior and the printing press at the end of the 16th century; within the field of 19th-century studies he has written on Nievo and Calandra. Since 2000 he writes entries for the Dizionario biografico degli Italiani. He also collaborates to the Edizione Nazionale of Torquato Tasso's works (edition of the Prose diverse , together with Guido Baldassarri) and to the Edizione Nazionale of Ippolito Nievo's works (edition of the Tragedie). He is an editor of the journals «Filologia e critica» and «L'Ellisse. Studi storici di letteratura italiana».

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Was born in Locarno (Switzerland) in 1972, and studied Italian and History at the University of Basel.

During the winter semester 2004 and the summer semester 2005 he participated at the seminar 'I margini del libro'. From August 2005 to 2008 he collaborated to the research project on dedications financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and directed by Professor Maria Antonietta Terzoli.

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Günther Brackly responsable IT    |   Normen Deutschmann Development application & website   |   Dieter Wallach responsable IT

(from August 2002 to July 2004)

He was born in Trier (Germany) where he graduated from the Humanities High School Friedrich Wilhelm. He then studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelm-Universität in Bonn (Germany), and Economics at the Institute of Ökonometrie and Operations Research where he was a scientific collaborator, and where he obtained his doctorate.

From 1985 to 1991 he was an assistant teacher and a scientific researcher at the Seminar for the didactic of mathematics at the University of Köln.

From 1991 to 1996 he was a contact for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, and head of various projects on data processing. In 1996 he became Professor of Data Bases at the University of Wismar.

Since February 2000 he is Professor of Data Bases and Information Retrieval at the Fachhochschule in Kaiserslautern.

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Normen Deutschmann, born in Pirmasens (Germany), studied computer science and digital media at the Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern (in Zweibrücken) and graduated from the University of Basel in 2003 with a thesis on Web applications with JSP.

He followed an internship in the programming and three dimensional applications field at Siemens AG Corporate Technology.

Since 2003 he is an IT-collaborator to the research project on dedications, financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation and directed by Maria Antonietta Terzoli.

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(from August 2002 to July 2004)

Born in Zweibrücken (Germany), Dieter Peter Wallach studied Psychology, Computer Science and Information Science at the University of Saarland where, from 1992, he was scientific collaborator and where he obtained his doctorate degree in Cognitive Science.

From 1997 to 1998 he worked as Postdoctoral Associate at the Carniegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA), and from 1998 to 2000, he researched and taught as an Oberassistent at the Psychology Institute of the University of Basel.

In 2000 he completed the Entrepreneurship Programme at the MIT in Boston (MA), and in 2001 he became professor of Software Engineering at the Fachhochschule in Heilbronn.

Since 2001 Dieter Wallach is professor of Human Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering at the Fachhochschule in Kaiserslautern. Next to his academic activity, he directs the Ergosign GmbH since 1999.

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